Does BMI Matter for Cosmetic Surgery?

Sometimes, after deciding to have cosmetic surgery, a patient comes into a consultation only to discover they are not currently a candidate due to excess body fat. This is not only disappointing, but it can feel defeating and like a significant setback.
There are several reasons why a surgeon might recommend weight loss before undergoing a procedure. However, the most important reason is that they want to provide a patient with the safest care and the best results possible.
Why does weight matter so much with cosmetic surgery? Let’s discuss BMI and how this might prevent patients from getting their ideal results.
What is BMI?
Most surgeons will ensure that every patient meets specific criteria before they are approved for surgery. One of the most important criteria is the patient's weight or BMI.
BMI stands for “body mass index.” It is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
Generally, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is within a healthy weight. A BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, and a BMI greater than 30 is categorized as obese. To calculate your BMI, use this online calculator provided by The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute.
It’s worth noting that this calculation is not perfect as it does not account for muscle weight versus fat weight. But overall, it is an excellent basic measurement for a person's weight.
How BMI Affects Surgery
Most cosmetic surgeries are elective, meaning that the patient chooses to have them. However, this is still a major medical procedure that is often invasive and comes with a degree of risk. To undergo any elective aesthetic surgery, patients must be in good physical health.
Medical studies show that a higher BMI is a predictor of potential complications. The increased risks are typically small for patients who are overweight, but they start increasing quickly as the BMI enters into the obese range.
Healthy non-smokers with a normal BMI experience fewer complications from surgery. So, it's always best to have your weight in a healthy range when you have cosmetic surgery. In general, the higher the BMI, the higher the risks.
Reducing Your BMI
If you want to reduce your weight, your only goal should not just be to slim down. You should set your priority on getting in excellent health for your planned surgery so your body can experience optimal recovery.
You can begin by simply walking around your neighborhood. Commit to thirty to forty-five minutes of moderate exercises, such as walking or biking, four or more days a week.
When you combine exercise with a sensible eating plan, your results will be even better. Don’t crash diet or follow the latest fad, instead consult a nutritionist for healthy guidelines on how to eat. You need to ensure that you are not starving your body of the nutrients that it needs.
If you have trouble losing weight on your own, the Obalon Balloon procedure might be a great option for you. This FDA Approved procedure is the first and only swallowable, lightweight balloon. The Obalon weight loss system helps facilitate weight loss by taking up space in your stomach so you eat less. Three balloons are placed for a six-month non-surgical treatment, combined with a professionally supervised nutrition and exercise program for optimal weight loss.
It's ideal to be as close to your goal weight as possible before looking into cosmetic surgery. When your weight has become stable, and exercise is a regular part of your life, you'll be a better candidate for safe cosmetic surgery
Struggling with excess weight is something many people deal with, and you should know that someone is supporting you. Marvel Clinic partners with patients and their weight loss goals, and we have options that can help. Give us a call us at 931-398-1158 or contact us today to schedule your consultation.