Symptoms of Septal Deviation

The thin wall of cartilage separating your nasal passages is called the septum. Ideally, that wall is supposed to sit in the middle of your nose, but in many people it’s off-center. That’s called a deviated septum. A deviated septum can make one nasal passage smaller than the other, which can lead to a whole host of other issues.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you have true septal deviation or just struggle with sinus issues. There are some common symptoms of septal deviation that you should look for if you suspect a deviated septum.
How Do You Know If You Have Septal Deviation?
If you have any of these symptoms, you may have septal deviation:
Reduced airflow from blockage of one or both nostrils - You may notice this more when you have a cold (upper respiratory tract infection) or allergies that can cause your nasal passages to swell and narrow.
Congestion and postnasal drip
Frequent sinus infections
Facial pain and headaches – A severe deviated septum may cause surfaces within the nose to touch and cause pressure.
Chronic nosebleeds - The surface of your nasal septum may become dry, increasing your risk of nosebleeds.
Snoring, difficulty breathing at night, or preference for sleeping on one side - Some people may prefer to sleep on a particular side in order to optimize breathing through the nose at night if one nasal passage is narrowed.
Additionally, if you had trauma to your face or nose followed by these symptoms, you may have a deviated septum.
When to See Your Doctor
It’s a good idea to seek a professional’s opinion if you experience any of these symptoms:
A blocked nostril (or nostrils) that doesn't respond to treatment
Frequent nosebleeds
Your doctor will be able to accurately assess your symptoms and let you know whether or not you’re suffering from septal deviation.
If you do have a deviated septum, your doctor may prescribe medications that will reduce the swelling or nasal dilators that help open the nasal passages, including decongestants, antihistamines, nasal steroids sprays, and nasal antihistamine sprays. Surgery may be needed if medication doesn’t help and symptoms persist.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may have septal deviation. We at Marvel Clinic would love to meet with you and assess your specific situation.
Give us a call today at 1-931-451-8401 to schedule a consultation to find out more about how we can help give you relief so you can enjoy life to the fullest.