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Five Signs of a Deviated Septum

The septum, a thin wall made of cartilage and bone, sits in between your two nostrils and divides the nasal cavity into halves.

The ideal nasal septum is exactly midline, separating the left and right passageways into equally sized parts. Although roughly 80% of nasal septums are off-center, many people have no symptoms or a bend that is almost imperceptible.

A deviated septum is a term for a nasal septum that is noticeably shifted off the midline, tending towards either the right or left side. A deviated septum can cause a variety of problems, and worsen certain illnesses. It is a condition that can be present at birth, develop as a person ages, or occur as the result of an injury.

If you suffer from any of the following, you may have a deviated septum:

1.Difficulty breathing through your nose is one of the most common problems associated with a deviated septum. Symptoms are usually worse on one side, often the side opposite the bend.

2. Nasal congestion or sinus infections can occur more frequently with a deviated septum. The crooked septum interferes with sinus drainage, which increases the frequency and severity of stuffiness, post nasal drip, and other cold-like symptoms.

3. Snoring or disrupted sleep is caused by nasal congestion related to the deviated septum. Loud breathing, trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep, and even sleep apnea (in more serious cases) can result from a crooked nose.

4. Headaches, and even migraines, can result from built-up pressure in your nasal passages when air isn’t able to flow freely. This extra pressure in your sinuses can also cause pain or soreness in your face.

5. Nosebleeds are caused by a lack of moisture in your nose. When your septum is curved, air has a harder time passing through the nose. This can dry out your mucous membranes and make you more susceptible to frequent nosebleeds.

Whether your deviated septum was present at birth or developed over time, there are a variety of fully sedated, minimally invasive procedures that can easily correct the problem and help to eliminate your symptoms. It’s always best to have your condition evaluated by a specialist who can recommend the best course of treatment for your specific case.

For more information on deviated septums or other sinus issues, call Marvel at 931-313-2031.

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