Why High Heat & Hearing Aids Don’t Mix

Hopefully, you’re in the midst of enjoying some beautiful summer weather. You should also be wearing your hearing aids, so you don’t miss out on the sounds of children laughing or birds singing. However, if you’re spending time in sunny, hot, and muggy conditions, you need to take a few precautions. Just like other sensitive high-tech devices, hearing aids and their delicate components are vulnerable to extreme environmental conditions. Here are a few suggestions for keeping your hearing aids in top working condition all summer long:
Don’t leave your hearing aids lying out in direct sunlight. If your hearing aids aren’t waterproof, you might be tempted to remove them and leave them lying on a beach chair or table while you dip in the ocean or pool. Hearing aid casings are plastic, and as such likely to start melting if left in strong sunlight for too long. Make sure you tuck them into a case out of the direct sunlight and stored in a cool, shady place, like a clubhouse locker.
Avoid excessive heat. Even out of direct sunlight, leaving hearing aids in very hot conditions, such as the glove compartment of your car, can cause major damage to casings and batteries. Again, find a cool storage option, even if that means leaving them in your hotel room or inside your house for awhile.
Watch out for moisture. Whether the result of humidity, being splashed at the pool, or sudden downpour, moisture that gets inside hearing aids can cause irreparable damage. Protect your investment by wearing a hat when you go outside, avoiding splash zones, and keeping your hearing aids stored in waterproof containers if you’re at the beach or poolside. If you’re going to be in high humidity, say while on vacation in Florida or the Caribbean, don’t forget to pop your hearing aids into a dryer box at the end of each day (note: if you have rechargeable hearing aids, the charger likely comes with a drying function). Alternately, if you’re the outdoors type or live in a humid environment year-round, consider investing in a pair of water-resistant IP67-rated or waterproof hearing aidsIP68-rated.
Avoid chemical damage. This can come in the form of spray-on sunscreen, hair spray, bug spray, or perfume, all of which could clog or otherwise ruin your hearing aids. Before you spray, make sure you take out your hearing aids and stow them somewhere safe. If you are concerned anything may have gotten on them despite your best efforts, use your cleaning kit to wipe them down and clear all the vents and other openings.
All it takes is a few precautions to make sure your hearing aids continue to function at peak performance throughout the summer, and for years to come.