Our noses are separated in half by a thin wall made up of cartilage in the front and bone in the back. Ideally, the nasal septum is in the exact center and allows equal air passage on both sides. But most individuals are born with, or develop, a septum at least slightly closer to one side. It can also be pushed to one side by trauma. Sometimes a septum is deviated enough to create sinus issues like:
• Reduced airflow from blockage of one or both nostrils
• Congestion
• Postnasal drip
• Frequent sinus infections
• Facial pain
• Headaches
• Chronic nosebleeds
• Snoring or difficulty breathing at night
A simple examination will detect a septal deviation in the front of the nose. We can also detect deviations farther back in the nasal passages with two painless in-house procedures. The nasal endoscopy passes a tiny camera mounted on a slender telescope through the nostrils. A low-dose sinus CT scanner creates a high quality image of the sinus in under 45 seconds, while you sit in a chair.
No drug cures a deviated septum, but symptoms can be eased with medications like decongestants, antihistamines, nasal steroids sprays, and nasal antihistamine sprays. A severe deviation may call for surgery if medication doesn’t help. A septoplasty, or septal econstruction, straightens the deviated cartilage within the septum.