The Rise of Breast Reduction Surgery
Like fashion, beauty trends come and go. Over the years what was once deemed “sexy” has been redefined. Breast implants have been popular...

Squinting with Your Ears
Hearing is a complex process and hard work for your brain. This is particularly true if you have hearing loss. Everything we hear has to...

Before and After Facelift Surgery: Cindy Lamb
As we age, our skin loosens from weakened tissue making us look older than we really are. With Facelift Surgery, you can correct sagging,...

4 Types of Tinnitus
Audiologists have established there are four types of tinnitus. Some are temporary or treatable, while others are permanent or can only...

Check Your Thyroid – Help Your Hearing
Thyroid disease is actually not a single condition, but rather a term that encompasses any condition that interferes with proper thyroid...

Breast Implants: How to Choose the Best Size for You
Breast augmentation can provide positive changes in a woman’s life. Today, more so than ever, the options available to a woman...

5 Tips for Healthy Hearing and a Healthy Heart
Since February is American Heart Month, we decided to examine some ways to keep your ears and your heart healthy. Did you know one of the...

10 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test
Have you been putting off getting your hearing tested even though you suspect you’re not hearing as well as you once did? We have a new...

Why High Heat & Hearing Aids Don’t Mix
Hopefully, you’re in the midst of enjoying some beautiful summer weather. You should also be wearing your hearing aids, so you don’t miss...

3 Ways To Keep Kids' Ears Safe During Summer Fun
While wearing sunscreen and safety gear is second nature in protecting kids during their favorite summer activities, keeping their ears...