5 Ways to Refresh Your Skin This Winter
It’s hard to believe, but it’s that time of year again. The holidays are among us which means loads of time spent with family and friends ce

Top Five Causes of Snoring
Occasional snoring is usually not problematic, but if your snoring is habitual or affecting your day-to-day functioning it’s important to fi

Does Sinus Surgery Really Work?
If you are a sinusitis sufferer, you know how miserable and cumbersome constant congestion and stuffiness can be. For many people who suffer

How to Winterize Your Hearing Aids
Although the colder weather is already upon us, it’s not too late to winterize your belongings, whether your house, car, or plants.

Skin Care for Your Twenties, Thirties, and Forties
Skincare is incredibly important, no matter what your age. Developing a great skincare routine early on will set you up for success as the y

5 Ways To Improve Your Sinus Health in 2018
Sinus issues—whether the result of allergies, a cold, or a sinus infection—can be painful and irritating. Many people reach for medication.

Is Snoring Dangerous For Your Health?
If you or your partner snores, it can be tempting to seek short term solutions like separate sleeping arrangements, a nose strip, or earplug

Maintaining Your Results After Liposuction
Liposuction is an excellent way to reduce stubborn fat. With many advancements in technology, there now are many ways to achieve fantastic r

What To Do About A Snoring Spouse
If your spouse or partner snores, it can be a major strain on your rest and your relationship. In fact, many marital problems stem from snor

When To Consider Sinus Surgery
Many people suffer from nasal congestion. A primary care doctor can diagnose and treat minor sinusitis, and usually nasal congestion can be