What Can Be Done About Chronic Sinusitis?
Marvel Clinic offers minimally invasive surgical procedures that are ideal for patients who suffer from recurring sinus infections, chronic

How Chronic Sinusitis Affects Your Health
Sinus problems are a frequent complaint, but typically simple to resolve. This inflammation and swelling of the nasal cavities is often rela

5 Ways To Improve Your Sinus Health in 2018
Sinus issues—whether the result of allergies, a cold, or a sinus infection—can be painful and irritating. Many people reach for medication.

When To Consider Sinus Surgery
Many people suffer from nasal congestion. A primary care doctor can diagnose and treat minor sinusitis, and usually nasal congestion can be

What Causes Sinus Headaches?
Headaches often occur at the most inopportune moments and can keep you from enjoying everyday activities and even completing work....