How to Choose the Right Hearing Aid
Although hearing loss is more common as we age, it can also be caused by a variety of factors including ear infections, abnormal growths, a

Why Are More Young People Losing Their Hearing?
Hearing loss is often associated with older people. Many assume difficulty hearing is just one of the effects of the aging process and that

Extend Youth by Wearing Hearing Aids
September is Healthy Aging Month and a good time to think about healthy practices that promote a happier and longer life.

The Noise Spectrum: Sounds You Didn’t Know Damage Your Hearing
Hearing is an important part of everyday life, yet most people don’t realize when they are damaging their ears. Causes of hearing loss...

Don’t Forget to Check Your Hearing
You get regular check-ups for your eyes and teeth — so why not your hearing?Our vision is an essential sensory functions that helps us navig

Squinting with Your Ears
Hearing is a complex process and hard work for your brain. This is particularly true if you have hearing loss. Everything we hear has to be

10 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test
Have you been putting off getting your hearing tested even though you suspect you’re not hearing as well as you once did? We have a new...

Why High Heat & Hearing Aids Don’t Mix
Hopefully, you’re in the midst of enjoying some beautiful summer weather. You should also be wearing your hearing aids, so you don’t miss...