Hearing Loss and Balance Problems
While hearing loss does not necessarily cause imbalance, it often accompanies balance problems. Presenting together, these two symptoms can

Extend Youth by Wearing Hearing Aids
September is Healthy Aging Month and a good time to think about healthy practices that promote a happier and longer life.

The Noise Spectrum: Sounds You Didn’t Know Damage Your Hearing
Hearing is an important part of everyday life, yet most people don’t realize when they are damaging their ears. Causes of hearing loss...

How to Get Some Sleep Despite Tinnitus
Around 10 to 15 percent of people suffer from chronic tinnitus, a condition that causes ringing, humming, buzzing, whistling or whining in o

10 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test
Have you been putting off getting your hearing tested even though you suspect you’re not hearing as well as you once did? We have a new...

Why High Heat & Hearing Aids Don’t Mix
Hopefully, you’re in the midst of enjoying some beautiful summer weather. You should also be wearing your hearing aids, so you don’t miss...

3 Ways To Keep Kids' Ears Safe During Summer Fun
While wearing sunscreen and safety gear is second nature in protecting kids during their favorite summer activities, keeping their ears...