Is It Just Seasonal Allergies or Something More?
As allergies tend to share many of the same symptoms with colds and flu, it can be difficult to tell if it’s just seasonal allergies or some

Are Allergies Linked to Snoring?
While rising temperatures can be a welcome reprieve after a chilly winter, they also mean the start of allergy season.

Do Allergies Cause Snoring?
Roughly 40% of adult men and 24% of adult women are habitual snorers. Snoring can be the result of improper sleep position, irregular mouth

Marvel: How to Combat Chronic Allergies
Allergies affect every person differently. For some, sneezes and sniffles come and go with changing seasons, and are easily controlled by de

What Causes Congestion
What Causes Constant Congestion? During the changing of seasons, many people suffer from allergies or nasal congestion.