Middle Tennessee's #1 Hearing Specialists
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As we age, hearing loss becomes more common. Today, the condition is also seen more frequently among young people as they listen to loud music.
Hearing loss can be caused by aging, prolonged exposure to loud music or noise, or by the buildup of earwax and other fluids in the ear canal. Ear infections, abnormal growths, and ruptured eardrums can all cause hearing loss, usually temporary.
In children, hearing loss may happen as a result of premature birth, complications at birth, frequent ear infections, or exposure to loud sounds.
The good news is that most hearing loss is treatable!
Hearing Testing
We conduct testing in our office to discover the source of hearing loss. Although there is no cure for age-related hearing loss, we will be able to offer some solutions to improve your ability to hear. If your hearing loss is due to fluid or earwax build-up, ear infections, abnormal growths, or ruptured eardrums, we will be able to address those issues through medication and/or minor surgery. In many cases, a hearing aid is required to restore hearing.
Hearing Testing for Newborns and Children
We offer hearing testing for newborns and children. Several types of hearing tests may be offered, based upon the child’s age, development, and overall health.
Behavioral tests involve careful observation of a child’s behavioral response to a sound. These tests may include an infant turning its head, a child raising a hand or repeating words. Behavioral tests can be often used with both infants and children.
Physiologic tests can estimate hearing function and are often used with children who can’t be tested behaviorally (due to their young age, developmental delay, or other medical condition). The tests are often performed on infants and children who are sleeping or slightly sedated.
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) test – measures the hearing nerve’s response to sounds played through tiny earphones placed in the ear canal.
Auditory steady state response (ASSR) test – done in conjunction with the ABR; a computer reads the brain’s response to the sound played through the ear canals and estimates the hearing level.
Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) test – pulse-type sounds are played through a tiny probe in the ear canal; the response from the outer hair cells in the inner ear is recorded.
Tympanometry – a procedure that shows how well the eardrum moves when soft sound and air pressure are introduced in the ear canal; used to create a tympanogram, which is a graphic representation of tympanometry.
Middle ear muscle reflex (MEMR) – a series of loud sounds is sent through a soft rubber tip in the ear canal, and a machine records if the sound has triggered a reflex.
Custom-fitted Digital Hearing Aids